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Machine purchase moved the factory


After many years in Aalborg, the Esko machine factory has moved to Støvring in a larger and better location as a result of the purchase of a high-tech Okuma CNC machine via Flextek.

Since November, production has been going fast in Støvring at the Esko machine factory, which has relocated from the long-time location in Aalborg. The space had become too cramped due to the increased traffic. Also, every time new investments in machines were made, it was necessary to make room by selling some of the ones that were already in production. This annoyed Søren Esko Nielsen, CEO, who had prepared to receive an Okuma Multus U4000 Multitasking CNC machine for five-axis machining via Flextek A / S:

Read the full article in Teknovations end-of-the-year magazine 2019 here